On the issues
My platform for Governor, or at least the first draft of it.
Control Municipal Aggression
1. End External Aggression: Forced Annexation
2. Prevent Internal Takings: Limit Eminent Domain
3. Moratorium on Capital Punishment: Get the state out of the Killing business!
4. End Corporate Welfare: Cut out pork barrel boondoggles like the Dell plant or the Global Transpark
5. Implement Statewide Education Vouchers: More Public School Spending with More Choice. Funded by Lottery receipts, to make sure those education dollars with in education, rather than feathering the nests of politicians and their cronies.
6. Marriage is Commitment: Allow Contracts Between One Person and Any Other Consenting Person
7. Lower Drinking Age for 3.2 Beer and Wine
8. End Jail Time for Victimless “Crimes”, focus on rehabilitation and creative sentencing.
9. Electoral Reform: Unlimited Private Access “YES,” Unrestricted Public Control “NO.”
10. Reduce Entry Barriers in the Professions (including teaching licenses), Improve and Rationalize Reciprocal Licensing Arrangements With Other States.